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"Give for the sake of giving. 
Love for the sake of Love." 
H.H. Sai Maa
Selena Lael Magram

Selena has been passionately studying  yoga, dance, self development and transformation for over 15 years, and has been meditating for over 30. With her rich background, her offerings 

incorporate guided meditation, movement exploration, mindfulness, emotional freedom, and other practices for transformation of body, mind, emotions, and spirit​. She is deeply committed to serving others in their transformation​​ and freedom​, as well as her own growth and evolution.

"I learned that I could be both wild & holy."
Ana Forrest

Miranda Viorst

Miranda offers yoga as a tool to become more fully alive. She believes that at its root, the tradition of yoga is an toolbox for all of us to fall more deeply in love with the world around us and our daily lives. Incorporating ancient practices, modern philosophy, breath, movement, and games, she creates a space in which to move, breathe, and let go. 

Miranda invites you to come play. To deepen into embodiment through passion, curiosity, and silliness. She dedicated herself to teaching yoga when she realized that it could save the world - a longtime social researcher and activist, she had found that many of our contemporary social and environmental issues come from a belief in separation. Yoga offered an alternative: that everything is connected. Miranda dreams of using yoga to create a world where people fall more deeply in love with the world around them. Where we are aware of the pervasive connections all around us, and celebrate those connections.

A certified RYT-500 trained in Vinyasa, Yin, Hot, Restorative, and Forrest Yoga, Miranda shares her offerings in her regular classes in Colorado, as well as assorted trainings

and workshops.

What Others Say
"Selena radiates love, compassion and kindness wherever she goes." 
"Miranda's teaching makes me feel like I'm capable of anything."
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